Sail Away!

December 10, 2022 There are a few more people in the hotel's restaurant this morning; but there's no problem finding a table. No one wants a "real" breakfast, just coffee and a bread product, except, of course, for me. I have oatmeal and they have such interesting toppings! Sliced almonds, dried cranberries, cinnamon, brown sugar! And a choice of fat-free or 2% milk! She's the receptionist at the hotel and I actually saw her type with these! Maureen showed me her favorite beach in West Palm! interesting life-guard stand Clever way to keep the beach clean! It's a leisurely morning because we are only an hour away from Port Everglades and we can't arrive before our appointed time of one-thirty. There's a little re-arranging of the cargo between the two cars and lots of sitting around before we take off. When we arrive there is some confusion as to which pier is ours butt we finally arrive at Harmony of the Seas and it's even bigger than I had ...