Sea Days are Fun Days!

December 11, 2022 It's another lovely day, even if we can't see the sea very well! Coffee is coming around seven thirty, after yoga, and all is well! We hang out on the balcony watching the scenery, drinking our coffee and shooting the breeze with Ma and Robin. Around ten we decide that a little breakfast snack is in order and go down to the Windjammer. It's hard but not impossible to find a table and I notice the funny sayings hanging from the ceiling. I like "All you need is love; but a little chocolate is nice, too!" This is our sea view!! Giggle!! The car is for scale!! We've been looking at the excursions and decide to go down to Deck 5 and see if we can get some expert guidance and leadership as to the accessibility issues. While searching for the excursions desk Ma gets drawn into the diamond store and before you know it she has a new pair of tanzanite studs! We continue aft and there's an announcement for the celebratory parade!...