Sigh. Time to Leave the High Seas and Return to Dry Land

December 18, 2022 We've all been given our marching orders and if we want to disembark on time we need to go up to breakfast around 6:30 or so. We manage to assemble at a six-top table, with Velroy's assistance. He's always on watch for our various members until we're all together. Tummies somewhat satisfied (it's really early after alll) I say good-bye too my new family (i've been officially adopted!) and go back down to Deck 14 with Tobi and Dean so we can get off together. We gather the last of ur belongings and begin the process. It goes pretty easily, although I have a little trouble locating my bag. And we've got so much stuff that we need a porter's assistance. There are four suitcases, Ma's walker, because Maureen doesn't have room for it, Tobi's scooter and her wheelchair and my backpack. I can take my things and the walker but the rest is just too much for Dean. We take our turns at the facial recognition station and begin th...