
December 13, 2022 It's a leisurely morning because our excursion doesn't meet until 12:45. We're going to have a late breakfast and hope that it holds us until dinner tonight. From our balcony we can almost see the dock! We get to visit Tobi and Dean in their stateroom and see how the other half lives! They have a handicapped room and it is quite spacious! There is room for Tobi's wheelchair and her scooter! We're starving because we haven't had breakfast yet, even though Tobi has eaten (as much ass she ever does!) AND gone to the gym. She's feeling very perky! Our room steward, Igusti from the Phillipines, is just a hoot! Tobi's bathroom is three times the size of ours! The clown car/submarine! Look how cool the bread bowls are! From the Windjammer we can really see the gorgeous water and the island with it's volcano poking up. The girls go back to the room while I go searching for a better vantage point without glass in the way. Back at home ...