More On-Board Fun

 December 12, 2022

Coffee at our door and sea breezes on the balcony, even if we can't see much of the sea! I've played with the Airdrop settings on my computer and phone, and Airdropped my photos to Maureen so she can 'drop them to my computer, since the problem might be that I can only use one device at a time on the internet.  That's peculiar, since it worked the day before!  Whatever is was, it's all working now!  I'm just hoping it will work again tonight!!

Breakfast a little earlier today and it's not so crowded.  I meet a fun couple and we chat about the state of the world and "the good old days" when anyone could repair a car and work the dishwasher!  They hate theirs so much that they wash by hand!!

Isn't he adorable?!

Kim and Mario from the panhandle who hate their dishwasher!

You can see Central Park down there on Deck 8

This news crawl is like Times Square! One fun fact is that our ship has more art works than the Louvre has paintings!  Believe it or don't!

They're all beaded!

Maintenance is never ending!

Ma wants to shop and since we have a rehearsal down on that deck at 11:15 it all works out!  And we run into Tobi and Dean!  Tobi was rocky this morning but she's a lot better now and they stay to watch our rehearsal.  We take a walk through Central Park afterwards.

The girls go to the Solarium on Deck 15 while I stop by the room to get my computer;  but by the time I get there, they've decided to go back to the room!!  Thank goodness Maureen and I both bought the internet package!! As soon as I finish this paragraph, I'll go back, too;  but it sure is nice out here in the fresh air where you can see the sea and hear the waves.  The ship is so huge and steady that it's hard to remember that we aren't just in a hotel!  Next time - balcony on the outside!

Fun piano and boogie woogie pianist

Better view of the Schooner Bar's bar

The back side's cool, too!

People decorate their stateroom doors!

This ship seems to be racing us to Aruba!

Shower in the solarium

As I'm walking down the hall, the girls are exiting the rooms!  Timing is everything! We decide that we need just a little something to eat before dinner and have virtuous salads and semi-virtuous little tiny desserts like the ones at Seasons 52.  As we're leaving we notice that one of the pools is completely devoid of people and an intense cleaning operation is going on.  Even the deck chairs are being sprayed and wiped.  We were told that there was to be a special party, but we're not buying that.  We watch for a long time as the deck is scrubbed and mopped and speculate as to what is going on!  Did a kid have an accident in the pool?  Does someone have COVID?  As our fears escalate we notice that the cleaning is over and they are setting up a table with water and wine glasses!  Guess it's a special event after all!!

Virtuous salad with one rosemary potato wedge and an English GF trifle

See how suspicious this looks! And lots of officers and a lifeguard supervising!


We go back to our rooms for a little quiet time away from all the people and watch the youngsters' rock-climbing competition and a dodgeball game and Santa zip lining with is elf!!  Then it's time to change for dinner.  It's a casual day but we are going to see "Grease" after dinner and that's a nice casual event.  

shrimp ceviche

herb-crusted salmon in lemon-butter sauce, pan-seared with horseradish and beet-root puree

dark chocolate custard (so sue me, I had dessert, or as our waiter says, Yummy yummy!)

And tonight Roque (pronounced Rocky) performed a magic trick for our amazement!

After dinner we have just a little time before we want to get to the theater and walk around Deck 5, killing time and there's always window shopping!  We get to the theater forty-five minutes before curtain and there is already a line! They made a big deal out of having our Sea Passes to get in;  but no one looks at them!!  We find seats pretty easily that Ma can get to without too much trouble and giggle as people try out the seats next to us, only to discover that a large pole will block their view.  We try to tell them but they all have to see for themselves!

We were pretty early!  But you can see the offending pole!

The show is incredible!  There must be a dozen scene changes!  The costumes and choreography are first rate and the talent leaves nothing at all to be desired!!  What a treat!!

After the show we take Ma upstairs so she can go to bed, and I drop off the big camera.  Now we can go adventuring and we find a Beatles tribute in the Schooner Bar!  He's terrific and we sing our hearts out for an hour!  He's going to do an Elton John tribute on Day 5 and we won't miss that!!

Just to prove I'm here!

Catanas for Ole!

Cosmo, Mai Tai (the drink of the day), and Margarita

Now it's really time to go upstairs and to bed!  Fun day that really built to a crescendo!


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